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Violet & Vivian Fund

On behalf of the Violet and Vivian Fund, I’d like to invite you and your GALs and CASAs to apply for financial support to fund a specific expense for a youth or child in the child welfare system. Each application may request up to $2,000.

The Violet & Vivian Fund (V&V Fund) provides assistance to individuals and families who are experiencing or have experienced child abuse or neglect, are at high-risk for child abuse or neglect, or are in situations with a significant connection to child abuse or neglect. V&V Fund awards may be used for many purposes, including medical or dental care, education, job training, mental health, substance abuse or other social services, temporary shelter, legal services, transportation, child care, and nutrition assistance. Payments may also be made for other purposes consistent with the mission and goals of the Violet & Vivian Fund.

Here is a link to the Violet & Vivian Fund grant application form:

You can also access the application at:

The Violet & Vivian Fund is made possible by the generous support of Patti J. Lyons, who spent her career as a Social Worker on the front lines working with children who had been abused and/or neglected. We look forward to working together to create better outcomes for children and families and are happy to answer any questions you or the GALs/CASAs might have.